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Published on April 3, 2003 By SlapBone In WinCustomize Talk
This application has failed to start because MSVCR70.dll was not found

//and then a debug message//

Object intializing error. Code point 1003
class: 7
defult img:internet explorer.png
X: 0 Y:1077739520

//and then this//

Parsing theme error

Can anyone help me out?
Obj number:0

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Apr 03, 2003
This has happened on 2 different machines.

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Apr 04, 2003
This occured on the odd build where the package wasn't done quite right.

You can download the file here (

Png errors usually occur when using a newish theme on an old build of DX. Try a newer build which should work fine when you get the above file.
